Orange5 V1.42 programmer is a professional programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macro language for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of
Iprog+ Pro car key programmer,it can also support Airbag,carradio,dpf off, ECU,IMMO KEY, MIL TO KM, PINABS,PINCODE SMATRA3,PINCODE SENSOR SPEED LIMIT,ODO Adjust,EEPROM,MCUAtmel,Fujutsu,Microchip,Motorola,Motorola912EN,NECV850,BLR,CAN,CRC-Cript,ibutton,sd-
1.Our original SM2 PRO already update to version 2.21.21,November 25, 2022 hardware! 2.Our bench cable already update to 3 led bench cable
TOYOTA - LEXUS ECU FLASHER READ and WRITE Via Internal 20 Pin or 26 Pin Connector For NEC 7F00XX series MCU
The OpenPort 2.0 combined with our EcuFlash software, the OpenPort 2.0 is capable of reflashing a large number of newer Subaru and Mitsubishi vehicles, and support for other cars is in progress.
KESS3 gives you more control than its predecessors, KESSv2 and K-TAG, and can be upgraded without the need to spend money on new hardware. This new tool allows users to remap in a faster, easier way than ever before, with the ability to use both OBD or Be
1.BMW AT-200 support BMW ECU Data reading, writing and clone, like MSV90 MSD85 MSD87 N2055 B38 B48 2.Support BMW IMMO functions, read BMW ISN Code by OBD. 3.Original from CGDI, Free update online. 4.Software V1.6.1
I/O Terminal is a software and hardware solution designed for work with a great number of ECUs, automatic transmissions,BSI installed in V-AG, Mitsubishi, Ma-zda, F-ord, Nis-san,, Su-baru, Su-zuki, O-pel, V-olvo, Al-fa Romeo, F-iat, Ja-guar, Land-Rover, L
Car has to be equipped with mechanical key. Car has to be equipped with original parts. The device will work only in case of a lost key. If the car is equipped with an SGW Module (some models starting from 2017 year), you need to use SGW Adapter in order to bypass Security Gateway Module
Original KESS V3 Protocols Activation work with kess V3 hardware
FC200 ECU programmer is designed for ECU/ EGS clones. Supports data processing, ISN read and write, disassembly matching, VIN modification, and DTC shielding, etc.
This tool is able to read out the memory content of many commercial EEPROM or micro controller devices, and change the contents of binary files on your PC then write back to the target device. You have to remove the ECU circuit from the car, and work with
Autel MaxiBAS BT506 is a battery and electrical system analysis tool that use as Adaptive Conductance an advanced battery analysis method, to produce a more accurate examination of the battery's cold cranking ability and reserve capacity, vital to determ
Work with odometers on OBDII connector Work with odometers on the table through adapters Work with multimedia unlocking the tape recorder Work with keys (IMMO, Transponders), copying, preparation, unlocking Work with IMMO-Key Auto dumps Work with the
ECUHELP IO-Prog PSA BSI Opel ECU BCM TCM EPS K-line and CAN compatibility via BD9 connection and OBD I/O Terminal offers a comprehensive software and hardware solution specifically designed to read and program Flash and EEPROM memory of ECUs, automatic t
Supports any COM ports, including virtual ones from 1 to 20 Works with text (ASCII) and HEX mode Creating a list of commands that allows editing and fast sending Fine-tuning the exchange rate Saving files including command and port settings. Saving i
ECU Bench Tool is a universal bench service tool.The software automatically detects the ecu and memory types, which simplifies the process for the user. Access to the available memories is then granted, the software allows you to individually read / write
Make the Universal tool - CARPROG inside have powerful 16-bit MPU and full set of automotive interface drivers. In basic version you will get hardware with extra functions: 12 input/output pins for EEPROM in-circuit programmer, future possibility's to ma
1.KTM200 67 Modules in 1. 2.Update Version of Renolink OBD2 Renault & KTM1.20 BENCH ECU Programmer. 3.Newly Added 200 BoschECU, MED/EDC17 Read and Write without opening the shell.
Add Buzzer WFs = Infine, BCR112 NPN Digital Transistor 27E = ON Semiconductor NUP2105LT1G 6DW = NXP BC817,215 NPN Bipolar Transistor A6c =MMUN2113LT1G / MMUN2113LT3G K5B = BC807-25-7-F PNP Bipolar Transistor Using imported Japanese Murata filter NFE
KESS V5.017 and KTAG V7.020 both are universal Petrol & Diesel car/truck/tractor/motorcycle ECU Chip Tuning tools But KESS v5.017 works better for more 12V gasoline cars, K TAG V7.020 works better for more 12V Diesel Cars and 24V trucks/tractors/motorcy
1. Can support car / truck / tractor / bike! KESS V5 supports vehicle according to Motor. So V5.017 can support new vehicle! 2. Latest Firmware Version: V5.017, Latest Software version: V2.53 3. 100% no token limitation for all vehicles! So V5.017 is us
Red KESS 5.017 Install/User Note Model name:Kess V2 Master Software Version: V2.53 (Newest) Fireware Version: V5.017 Update:By link Car Models:For Multi-cars and trucks,no year limited Languages:English/ German/ Spanish/ Italian/ Portuguese/ French
IProg is very powerful. Airbag,carradio,dpf off, ECU,IMMO KEY, MIL TO KM, PINABS,PINCODE SMATRA3,PINCODE SENSOR SPEED LIMIT, ODO Adjust,EEPROM,MCU-Atmel, Fujutsu,Microchip,Motorola,Motorola912EN, NECV850,BLR,CAN, CRC_Cript, ibutton, sd_unlocker,test.
Probes Adapters for IPROG+ Iprog Programmer can work with both Iprog+ Programmer and Xprog, which can make your work much easier without soldering.
Iprog+Pro Programmer with 7 Adapters, Probes Adapters, RDIF Adapter, PCF79xx SD Card Adapter
Bench mode: for Bosch MEDC17 based on TriCore microprocessor. Bench mode: for Bosch MDG1 based on Motorola MPC5777 / Aurix TC2xx microprocessor Bench mode: for Bosch EDC16 based on Motorola MPC5xx microprocessor. Bench mode: for VAG MED9 based on Motor
Renault Can K-line Immo Tool V4.09 Support for Renault CAN/K-line ECU Tool OBD2 Programmer Read Write EEPROM OBDII tool with various Renault car electronic control unit internal memory modification functions, such asRead/Write EEPROM or FLASH, Clear Immob
Clear Crash Airbag (for example in v1.98 Clear crash For Dacia Logan3, For Dacia Sandero3, For Renault Clio5, Km in ABS ATE for Megane3, Scenic3, etc with 2 clicks)
IO-PROG for reading and writing OPEL / GM ECU BCM TCM EPS by OBD or on Bench. ECUHELP IO-PROG Terminal Multi Tool for reading and writing OPEL / GM ECU BCM TCM EPS
Available with options: Car, Truck, Tractor/Marine, Motorbike, Full Mode, Recondition (remove speed), Tool Boot, Bench Mode,BDM/JTAG.
KT200II Functions: DTC Remove immo off Adblue off DPF off EGR off Adiust the instrument chip tuning ECU data modifications Full range of services of ECU(one-on-one remote)
Orange 5 is a professional programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macro language for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of micro schemes,
Upa-usb 2014 is the full set with all adapters,The main Device can be directly connected to the UUSP (UPA-USB Serial Programmer) or by an optional DB9 male / female 1:1 extension cable. It's equipped with an 40pin ZIF Socket for all narrow a
Calculate MLB data. Generate dealer key. No need to get in car to collect, you can use the original MLB key.
KYDZ MLB-Tool can be used to caculate data and generate dealer key. There is no need to get in the car to collect. You can use the original factory key, which can be generated wirelessly and is easy to operate.
tachograph is a device that measures and records the speed and distance driven by a vehicle. The data are recorded in the form of graphics on a paper disk.The new digital tachographs record those data on its embedded memory and also on the smartcard of th
Orange 5 super pro programmer is a professional programming device for memory and micro controllers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macro language for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new ty